"An outstanding Girls' Grammar School with a Mixed Sixth Form"
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English Key Stage 3

We pride ourselves in offering a variety within the Key Stage 3 English curriculum at Spalding High School. We will give you the opportunity to explore experience and create all elements of the written and spoken form in order to maintain progress alongside an engaging curriculum, whilst aiming to cultivate your appreciation and love of language and literature.
What will I study?

Throughout Key Stage 3, we study Shakespeare, prose, poetry and non-fiction, as well as key writing and reading skills. All topics studied during Key Stage 3 mirror the elements needed at Key Stage 4 so that you will be continuously developing the skills you need for your GCSEs and beyond, and in Year 9 preparation begins in earnest with introductory modules.

How will I study?

In Year 7, you will have eight English lessons per fortnight; one of which is a Library lesson.  In Year 8, you will have six lessons per fortnight, including a Library lesson.  In Year 9, you will have seven lessons per fortnight. In Library lessons, we will guide you to follow a series of reading challenges independently, achieving awards along the way. You will have the opportunity to read for pleasure, as well as finding ways of using the valuable resource that is the School’s library. You will also participate in the School’s Accelerated Reader Scheme and Star Reading challenges.

You will be given the opportunity to explore, investigate and assess all elements of the English Language with increasing depth and challenge as you move through the School. We will equip you with the skills to do this in groups, on your own and to make the best use of new technologies.

How will I be monitored and assessed?

Units of work are assessed regularly by your teacher using classwork and homework. You will also have opportunities to assess and to reflect on your own and each other’s work. We then formalise the assessments by building key pieces of work into all units which are also then standardised and marks awarded match the School’s assessment policy.

Targets are set during Year 7 and progress towards these targets is measured regularly. Intervention will be undertaken where necessary to provide support and additional stretch where appropriate.