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Information for Parents/Carers

Information for Parents/Carers

Parents and carers have an important role to play in supporting their child with their career planning and their transitions at 14, 16 and 18.

Options at 14

We will support your child in school when it comes to choosing option subjects for GCSE study.  There is a Year 9 Options Evening and various events in school to help the students with their choices.

Post 16 options

During Year 11, students will make decisions about their post 16 destination. The three pathways students can choose from are:

  • staying in full-time education - for example at school, sixth form college, further education college or University Technical College (UTC)
  • starting an apprenticeship or traineeship
  • spending 20 hours or more a week working or volunteering while also doing part-time education or training

We encourage parents/carers to use the National Careers Service website to find out more about Post 16 options:

Post 16 options | National Careers Service

Each pathway will suit a different type of learner, have different entry requirements/application processes and potentially shape a career in different ways.

We encourage students to consider all the options open to them and we work with students to help them make decisions about their next steps.


Post 18 options

At 18, students can choose from the following options:

  • Combining work and study
  • Continuing with studies
  • Going straight into work

Please see the National Careers Service for more information:

Post 18 options | National Careers Service


The following sources of information may be helpful: This website is open to everyone and uses the personal stories to inform and inspire young people’s career choices. Careermag for Parents aims to connect pupils and their parents with quality advice and guidance. The magazine includes top tips for parents and information about all progression routes from age 16 onwards. This website provides a portfolio of graduate career and postgraduate study recruitment options and works in close partnership with higher education and further education professional bodies and the government.  Information about what graduates do, where they go and what their motivations are can be used to guide and inspire career choices throughout the student journey. An undergraduate and postgraduate admissions portal which also offers advice about academic and vocational options.  Use Informed choices to help with subject choices at A Level and linking them to different degrees, particularly at Russell Group Informed Choices to help you understand which subjects open up different degrees, particularly at Russell Group universities. The Department for Education website providing information about T Levels (Technical Levels). Information about apprenticeships. Download the ‘Parent Pack’ in the resources section for up-to-date information about apprenticeships.


If you require any further information relating to our careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) programme in school, please contact Mrs Bushell, Careers Leader or Mrs O’Brien, our Careers Adviser.