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Key Stage 4

French is offered at GCSE. (to change)

The aim of the GCSE course is to offer students a wide range of experiences and skills. It also encourages students to develop language skills in a variety of contexts but also builds on the KS3 study and to prepare students for further study, for instance GCSE to A level .

Students have 5 hours of French per fortnight.

We follow the AQA Examination Syllabus at GCSE.

Click here to view:

- A PowerPoint presentation of MFL GCSE.

- The AQA specification for MFL French

Some students have bought revision and workbook guides through the French department: these guides are invaluable in preparation of the speaking and writing elements of the course and they also provide listening practice. Indeed the sound files for the exercises can be accessed via the publisher’s website mentioned in the workbook guide.

All students have access to: 

- Teams


- LanguageGym

- Seneca

- Quizlet

- Memrise

to practice, consolidate and extend their language learning independently or as tasks set by their class teacher. We encourage all students to make use of these free resources and hope that you will see the benefits they provide.