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PPG 2018 - 2019

The School's Pupil Premium grant allocation for 2018 to 19 is £59,230

At the present time, Spalding High School has 66 Pupil Premium students in Years 7 to 11. They face a number of barriers to educational achievement and progress including…

How we intend to spend the Pupil Premium  2018-19

• GCSE Tutoring, music and singing lessons, buss passes and trips for LAC pupils

• Financial support for 16 Year 10 students with their work experience

• Funding a variety of trips from Years 7 to 11 including the Geography Snipedales fieldwork project, the History trip to the Medical Museum, the ICT trip to Bletchley Park, various art gallery trips and the Religious Studies trip to Walsingham

• Key Theatre workshops

• Financial support for uniforms and school equipment

• Revision Guides and resources for PP GCSE students

Measuring the effectiveness of Pupil Premium expenditure (please click on the link below)

The Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for internal data routinely tracks the attainment and progress of a number of identifiable groups at all grading points during the school year. All data is formally shared with Heads of Department at departmental meetings and all staff are encouraged to monitor identifiable groups as part of their continuing professional development. The following groups are routinely monitored:

• Pupils in receipt of PP
• Pupils currently in care or who have ever been in care
• EAL and East Midlands Group pupils
• Sixth form pupils who are no longer receiving PP but may be receiving 16 to 19 bursary payments including young carers

The aforementioned AHT maintains the PP action plan which is updated throughout the school year and findings are routinely shared with the senior leadership team, the Headmistress and Governors.