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Effort Descriptors

These are linked to our Personal Learning skills of: reciprocity, reflectiveness, resilience and resourcefulness.  Details can be found in the school planner.  The criteria for achieving the expected level of effort (E) are challenging, for example we expect that every pupil will demonstrate excellent behaviour so please be assured that if your child achieves mainly ‘E’ grades for effort we are happy with their attitude to learning.  Exceptional effort will be rewarded by AE or O grades and we encourage all pupils to aim high.

OUTSTANDING (O) Reserved for students whose effort is consistently outstanding.  This student:

  • Always arrives promptly with correct books and equipment and focuses quickly,
  • Demonstrates faultless behaviour, sustained concentration and perseverance.
  • Communicates clearly about areas of uncertainty and always responds positively to feedback.
  • Always meets deadlines and produces work to her/his highest standard, taking responsibility for her/his own learning.
  • Shows an exemplary attitude to learning, with full involvement in class or group activities, whilst having a positive impact on the learning of others.                                                 


 ABOVE EXPECTED (AE). This student:

  • Always arrives promptly with all books and equipment.
  • Focuses quickly, frequently shows initiative and gets actively involved in learning.
  • Demonstrates excellent behaviour, sustained concentration and perseverance.
  • Can communicate clearly about areas of uncertainty and frequently responds positively to feedback.
  • Always meets deadlines and produces work to her/his highest standard, increasingly taking responsibility for her/his own learning.
  • Shows an exceptional attitude to learning with frequent involvement in class/group activities, whilst often having a positive impact on the learning of others.


  • Arrives promptly with all books and equipment.
  • Focuses quickly, can show initiative and gets actively involved in learning.
  • Demonstrates excellent behaviour and concentration, and usually perseveres.
  • Seeks advice about areas of uncertainty and responds positively to feedback.
  • Meets deadlines and generally produces work to her/his highest standard, with some evidence of taking responsibility for her/his own learning.
  • Shows a good attitude to learning with involvement in class/group activities, while often collaborating effectively with others


  • Requires reminders to focus and may need further encouragement to become actively involved in learning.
  • Lack of positive involvement in activities, sometimes having a negative impact on the learning of others
  • Sometimes finds concentration difficult, can give up easily and does not often ask when unsure.
  • Usually demonstrates acceptable behaviour but may show little evidence of responding positively to feedback.
  • Failing to produce work in line with her/his ability.


  • Lack of organisation. Not taking responsibility for her/his own learning.
  • Does not always meet deadlines
  • Evidence of late work / no work / incomplete work
  • May not arrive promptly or have all books and equipment for each lesson.


This student fails to meet most of the ‘Below Expected’ criteria above on a regular basis.  ATTITUDE TO LEARNING is poor, with no positive involvement in class/group activities, while hindering the ability of others to learn.