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A Level Spanish

Spanish is offered at A level.

Pupils who enjoy Spanish, are motivated, hardworking and achieve at least a grade 6 at GCSE are eligible to choose Spanish as an A level subject.

The course enables students to develop and build on the skills acquired at GCSE; it also enhances employment prospects and provides an insight into another culture and society.

Students are taught by one specialist Spanish teacher.

Students have 10 lessons of Spanish per fortnight.

We follow the AQA Examination Syllabus at A-Level.

Click here to view:
- A PowerPoint presentation of A level Syllabus.
- The AQA specification for MFL A level

All students have access to:

- Teams


- Seneca

- Quizlet

to practice, consolidate and extend their language learning independently or as tasks set by their class teacher. We encourage all students to make use of these free resources and hope that you will see the benefits they provide.