Our Intent
Success for all
Our philosophy at Spalding High School is that everyone can achieve
All students encounter barriers to their learning but sometimes disadvantagde students are particularly affected. Our experienced pastoral and academic teams understand that there is no quick fix when it comes to removing some of these barriers but we work together through our various systems to support disadvantaged pupils in their attainment and progress. Some of the key aspects we focus on include:
• Lack of confidence and self-esteem
• Resilience in the classroom and also in social environments
• Low motivation
• Family support and transition
How we support disadvantaged pupils
• High staff awareness of pastoral and academic issues
• Heads of Year work closely with their form tutor teams to support disadvantaged pupils
• Subject teacher tracking and monitoring
• Results are analysed and the findings are shared with all Heads of Department and subject teachers at every grade-point
• Pupil Premium, FSM 6, EAL, LAC, and East Midlands groups are our IDENTIFIABLE GROUPS who are continually tracked.
• Data for these groups in every subject is provided to all staff on a regular basis
• Reports and presentations to the governing body about the progress of disadvantaged pupils are a regular feature of governors meetings
• PP updates on Inset Days and the above items ensure that Pupil premium has a high profile at the School
Member of staff with responsibility for Pupil Premium
Mr J Blackbourn (Assistant Headteacher)