Admissions Policy
At Spalding High School we seek to make education enjoyable, challenging, informative and wide-ranging. We create the conditions for the development of the whole person and encourage respect for individuals and for the environment.
Admissions Information
11+ Registration 2025 - Please click here to complete the registration form. The closing date for completion is 31st March 2025.
Lincolnshire County Council sets out criteria for admission to Spalding High School in accordance with its policy:
- Admission is normally at age 11 and is a selective procedure organised by the School in conjunction with other County Grammar Schools
- Selection is by means of two written tests taken at Spalding High School and the standard adopted for admission is the agreed qualifying standard
- Girls wishing to join the School in subsequent years will go through standardised age-related tests taken at the School (see Admissions Policy page 2).
- In order to gain admission to the Sixth Form, girls and boys must attain the general academic entry requirement (see Admissions Policy page 7 and our 6th Form Prospectus here).
For our 2024-2025 Year 7 Admission Policy, please click here.
For our 2025-2026 Year 7 Admission Policy, please click here.
For our 2026-2027 Year 7 Admission Policy, please click here.
The booklet ‘Going to School in Lincolnshire’ gives details of the County Council Admissions Policies (or Lincolnshire County Council school admissions e-mail address: [email protected]
The School’s planned Admissions number (PAN) for all Year Groups 7-11 is 150.
Whether you are a prospective parent or student, or you have recently gained an offer of a place, the main School Prospectus and the Sixth Form Brochure will give you valuable information and insight into life at Spalding High School.
Visits of new parents
Parents who are considering the possibility of their child's admission to the School may visit it by arrangement with the Headmistress.
When pupils have been selected for admission to Year 7, pupils and their parents are invited to visit the school on an evening in June (this year on Thursday, 17th June). There is an opportunity to see the buildings, meet the form teachers and hear details of the curriculum and the general arrangements for new entrants. The pupils also have the opportunity to attend the school for a day in the summer term (Friday, 4th July).
Parents of new pupils who enter the School during years 7 - 11 also see the school when they bring their daughters for assessment at the School.
Appeals timetable – please click here: