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Sixth Form Admissions

Please click here to view our Sixth Form Admissions Policy. Details of our admission and entry criteria are also available in our Sixth Form prospectus

If you are interested in applying for admission to Spalding High School Sixth form starting in September 2025, please contact Mrs H French (Timetable & Curriculum Coordinator & Senior School Pupil Support Coordinator) email [email protected] or Mrs S Kingerley (School Administrator):
email [email protected] 

Some students may be eligible for additional funding to support them with their studies. Please click here for further information.

Oversubscription Criteria

In accordance with the 1996 Education Act, the allocation of school places for children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan will take place first. Remaining places will be allocated in accordance with the policy.

The oversubscription criteria are listed in the order we apply them. Words marked with a number, for example 1, 2 and 3 are explained separately in the definition and notes section of our Whole School Admissions Policy available on the School website. This policy also has information on appeals, fraudulent or misleading applications, children of UK service personnel and admission of children outside their normal age group.

If there are more applicants than places available, then applicants will be offered places in the following order:

  • The child is in the care of the local authority or had previously been in care (1).
  • The grade achieved in the relevant subject or subjects, or for those subjects not available at GCSE, a relevant subject specified in the School's sixth form brochure. The applicant with the higher grade will have priority.
  • The average points score achieved across all GCSE subjects taken by the applicant. The applicant with the higher score will have priority.
  • Driving distance (2) from home to school, with the applicant living nearer to the school having priority. This would be the tie-breaker if necessary; in the event of a tie on distance, the school can offer extra place(s).

The Headmistress will consider all applications carefully and reserves the right to apply professional judgement to individual cases where students may fall short of a subject specific entry requirement.



Having only joined the High at sixth form, I was instantly made to feel welcome. I’ve made amazing friends, and the support you receive from staff is second to none’.

‘I’ve got so much independence at the High School, but the staff are always there to give guidance and advice.’                                                                                               

‘As a new student, the friendly and welcoming atmosphere has made the transition so much easier.’                                                                                                                                 

‘The staff are really supportive and helpful; you can talk to them about anything.’                                    

‘The opportunity to become part of a committee has helped me to develop many skills including teamwork and organisation.’

‘The opportunity to get involved in extra curricular activities such as Duke of Edinburgh gold, Young Enterprise and World Challenge has been invaluable.’

‘I would recommend Spalding High 6th form to anyone – these past two years have been so           fulfilling.’