Pupils who enter Year 7 are allocated to mixed ability form groups. The following subjects form the curriculum for Year 7 pupils:
English, Mathematics, French or German*, Science, Religious Education, Physical Education, Geography, History, Art & Design, Computing, Design and Technology with 3 specialisms (Product Design, Food & Nutrition and Textiles), Drama, Music, Personal Social Health & Careers Education (PSHCE), Citizenship and Personal Learning (PL).
*All forms start French for 2016 entry. Pupils also have the option to study Spanish as a GCSE subject in Years 10 & 11.
In Years 10 and 11 the Spalding High School Standard Core Curriculum comprises:
Compulsory Subjects
GCSE examination subjects: English language, English literature, Mathematics, Science, Religious Studies, Geography or History and a Modern Foreign Language.
Pupils also choose two options from the following: Art & Design, Business & Communication Systems, Computer Science, Drama, Food & Nutrition, Geography, Health & Social Care, History, Latin, Music, Physical Education, Product Design Technology, Spanish, Textiles Technology
The aim of the school curriculum is to ensure that all pupils use and develop their potential and ability as fully as possible. Social, moral and academic education is provided and a wide variety of teaching methods and materials are used to ensure that the experience provided to pupils is broad and relevant to today’s world.
In Year 8 all pupils start to study Latin. The other subjects studied in Year 7 are continued with the exception of a specific Personal Learning lesson, although the skills are incorporated into the curriculum of all subjects. Year 7 & 8 pupils are placed in sets according to their ability for Mathematics. Additionally, they are ‘setted’ from Year 9 in English, Religious Studies and Science. In Year 9 some pupils continue with Latin, whilst others pick up taster lessons in Spanish or have additional support with literacy and numeracy. GCSE courses start in Mathematics, English , Science and Religious Studies.
Non- examination subjects: Cross curricular ICT, Personal, Social, Health & Careers Education (PSHCE), Citizenship (taught via Religious Studies, PSHCE and across the curriculum) and Physical Education.
In Years 7 to 11 pupils have a total of 25 hours of teaching time in a week. The recommended minimum, set out in Department for Education Circular 7/90, for pupils in Years 7 to 11 is 24 hrs per week.
The current programme at Spalding High School has been developed using the ACEG framework for work related education (ACEG 2012) and ‘DfE Careers Guidance & Inspiration in School 2014’.
Careers education at Spalding High School is taught through the PSHCE Programme in lower and middle school and through dedicated careers lessons in the Sixth Form. The careers programme aims to prepare young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life, so that they can make and implement well-informed and realistic decisions about their future. Pupils are encouraged to take part in enrichment activities such as work experience, enterprise activities, careers fairs, university visits and attend talks by visiting speakers. The whole school careers programme is delivered in collaboration with the Lincolnshire Careers Service. Please see our Careers policy on the website.
In all years, religious education (which is non-denominational) and attendance at Assembly, which contains hymns and moral themes, are compulsory, but if parents/carers wish to exercise their right to withdraw their child from either or both, then they should consult the Headmistress so that arrangements can be made in specific circumstances.
Spalding High School believes in the partnership between caring adults - governors, teachers and parents/carers, to ensure sensitive support for children and young people as they grow and mature in a challenging world. The School provides a setting in which young people can be offered appropriate teaching about relationships and sex education. The purpose is to assist young people to prepare for adult life by supporting them through their physical, emotional and moral development, and helping them to understand themselves, respect others, form and sustain healthy relationships and make informed positive and healthy choices.
RSE is taught from Year 7-13 as part of the wider PSHCE and Citizenship programme. Aspects of the course are also taught in science, religious education and computing lessons. It is further supported by visiting speakers such as the School Nurse and external theatre companies and speakers.
Parents/Carers have a right to withdraw their children from all, or part, of the RSE programme provided at the School, except for those parts included in the statutory national curriculum. Any parent/carer who wishes to do so is asked to contact the Headmistress at the School. Parents/Carers can be reassured, however, that the RSE programme at Spalding High School has been designed so that it will complement and support their role as parents/carers and that we offer opportunities for parents/carers who wish to actively involve themselves in the determination of the School’s policy. Copies of the full policy are available on the school website. The policy is reviewed by governors biannually.
Spalding High School strongly opposes both the misuse of drugs and alcohol by all members of the School community and the illegal supply of these substances. We are committed to the health and safety of our students and will take steps to safeguard their wellbeing. Pupils are involved in a drugs education programme as part of their PSHCE and science curricula. This policy and protocol extends to ‘legal’ rights.
We have developed and sustained a whole-school approach to provision for special educational needs. With the support of the SENCO, all teachers respond appropriately to the diverse learning needs of our pupils. Our commitment is to do all in our power to remove barriers to learning and participation.
Resources are used efficiently and effectively for the benefit of pupils thereby enabling them to move towards achieving their potential.
Parents/Carers are fully informed and involved in working with the school as programmes of study are implemented. When necessary, the SENCO maintains co-operative and constructive working relationships with a range of external agencies.
We follow the SEND Code of Practice ’0 TO 25’ which provides a clear framework for early identification, assessment and meeting of pupils’ individual needs. We also fulfil our responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 and the Children and Families Act 2014 which secured improved rights for disabled children.
Parents/Carers who would like further details or feel any cause for concern about their child should, in the first instance, contact the SEND Manager at the school.
It is acknowledged that pupils with an alternative language or cultural background do not have special educational needs in the accepted sense but may require additional provision. Pupils with EAL will be identified from the information gathered from primary school, parents/carers and the pupil themselves. The Head of Lower School and EALCO will monitor all new entrants.
The name of any pupil identified as having English as an additional language will have their name placed on the EAL register. All staff will ensure teaching and learning appropriate to the pupil’s needs. The school is committed to the development of identification and tracking systems in order to ensure attainment at a level appropriate to ability and to prevent under-achievement.
At Spalding High School we provide sporting opportunities for pupils of all abilities through a wide range of extra curricular clubs, sporting festivals, house matches, leadership opportunities and interschool competitions.
We are extremely proud of our success in sport, both at a local level and nationally. We run teams in the traditional sports of netball, hockey, football, tennis, rounders, cricket, gymnastics and athletics; but also compete in horse riding, trampolining, basketball and indoor rowing.
We encourage healthy lifestyles, allow pupils to use our well equipped fitness suite at lunchtimes and we set fitness based challenges for pupils. Our aim is to engage pupils and promote lifelong physical activity and fitness