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School and Key Stage Transition

Transition from Primary School

We have a robust and supportive Induction Programme for new pupils.

In May and early June a member of teaching staff visits every pupil in their primary school. This is quite a task with up to fifty feeder schools each year. However, we find it an invaluable exercise in reassuring new pupils and answering any questions they may have in an environment familiar to them.

There is a New Intake Evening in June. This is an incredibly informative event, and it is important that pupils attend with their parents. The evening allows the girls to meet their Form Tutors and other members of the form for the first time. A number of forms will be given out to parents for completion and return to the High School. The evening also provides an opportunity to share information and help with a smooth transition into Spalding High School and for our Current Year 7s to share their experiences and “top tips” for a successful transition. We also have uniform suppliers, equipment & dictionary sales and nearly new uniform available.

We have an Induction Day on the first Friday in July where girls will enjoy taster lessons, sport and drama activities and become familiar with the routines of a typical school day.

We run a very successful and well-attended Summer School in the first few days of the summer holidays. A lot of our “about to be” Year 7s join us for at least a few days during this week. There are a variety of activities, sporting challenges, arts and drama events across the course of the week, but it also provides an invaluable opportunity to make friends and find out where things are in the school. Many members of our existing Year 7 and 8 also attend Summer School which means there are always lots of people on hand to help.

Induction continues when new pupils join us in September. Time is spent with the Form Tutor getting to know the timetable and routines of the school. A trained team of Sixth Form Peer Mentors assist with the settling in process. Early in September we also complete the CATS testing (Cognitive Ability Tests), which enables us to gain a better understanding of each pupil’s current level of development, identify strengths and weaknesses, and to begin our target setting and monitoring process. Pupils should not worry about these tests.

Early in the Autumn Term we also have our Year 7 Curriculum Evening, in which we share information with parents/carers and pupils about our assessment and monitoring procedures, our effort grade descriptors and key areas of the curriculum. We also have a careers section in our presentation to broaden horizons and share ideas with parents as to how they can support their daughters in this area. We always publish our presentations for our Curriculum Evening on the School website to allow parents/carers and pupils to return to them for discussion and reference; however, nothing beats being part of the presentation and accessing the information on the night. Your daughters are always invited to attend Curriculum evenings with you. Our Curriculum Evenings always have a “community theme” too. In Year 7 it is careers stereotyping and in Year 8 it is safe use of social media, for example.

We also have our Form Tutor Consultations in September of Year 7. This is an opportunity for parents/carers to meet with their daughters form tutor and have a discussion regarding the settling in process and to discuss any issues that may be emerging. Of course, parents/carers are encouraged to speak to us at any point and should not necessarily wait until there is a formal meeting opportunity. Please contact either the Form Tutor or Head of Year if you wish to speak to someone.

Transition between Year Groups (Year 7 into Year 8 and Year 11 into Year 12)

The Pastoral Structure we use is very effective in ensuring Pastoral Leads and Year Heads have a good overview and knowledge of pupils within their year group. This is supported by the Senior Leadership Team and an excellent set of Form Tutors.

Mrs Schwarz has pastoral responsibility for transition and pupils in Years 7 – 10 (Main School). However, towards the end of the summer term of Year 7 she will begin the handover of pastoral responsibility to the Head of Year who will be responsible for the cohort during Year 8 to the end of Year 11. This Head of Year will then move up the school with the cohort. This process of handover is repeated when students move into the Sixth Form.

Transition to Post 16 Education

Our Sixth Form are our role models and viewed as the flagship of the School; we are very proud of them and are grateful for the roles and responsibilities they carry out. Our Sixth Form has grown in size over the last two years and we now have over 250 students studying a range of A Levels (and equivalent courses) in a wide range of subject areas. We welcome transferees from a broad range of schools and work hard to ensure that their induction and transition is smooth and enjoyable.

We have a comprehensive and developmental Careers Programme in every year group which is delivered, in the main, through our PSHCE lessons.

Senior School students follow a programme which prepares them for the decision-making process of where to continue in education. They also have individual interviews with members of senior staff to help in this process. Our Sixth Form Information Evening is a key opportunity for students to gain information about the curriculum offered at Spalding High School and also gain an insight into sixth form life. Students are also encouraged to view sixth form opportunities at other schools and colleges.

The great majority of students choose to stay at Spalding High School. We hold a Taster Day following the mocks in Year 11 and then a Sixth Form Induction Day in June each year.

Please view our Sixth Form section of the School website; it contains both the prospectus and a lot of additional information for both our own students and potential transferees.