"An outstanding Girls' Grammar School with a Mixed Sixth Form"
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Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Team

Assistant Head - Main School - (Years 7-10)
Mr B Love

Head of Main School & responsibility for Year 7
Mrs A Schwarz

Head of Year 8 – Mrs L Neal
Head of Year 9 –
Mrs H Hoodless
Head of Year 10 – Miss H Jones
Head of Year 11 - Mrs E Spinks

Assistant Head - Senior School - (Years 11-13)
Mr J Blackbourn

Assistant Head of Sixth Form - Mrs I Rogers/Mrs E Jeffery

Head Sixth Form –Mrs H Waldron

Student Support Coordinator – Main School (Y7-10)
Mrs T Jarvis
Student Support Coordinator Senior School (Y11-13)
Mrs H French

Attendance Officer - Mrs S Lyford

Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs L Ray (Assistant Head)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs A Schwarz (Head of Main School)

Deputy Head (Whole School Pastoral Oversight)
Mrs T Waldron
Headmistress - Mrs M Anderson


Pastoral Care

'The ethos of the school allows students to feel safe and well supported.  It supports their overall spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, as shown by their excellent attitude and strong relationships with peers and adults.  Behaviour is exemplary, students present themselves as well mannered and respectful.  They enjoy school, this is evidenced by parents' views, their outstanding attendance and very positive attitudes to learning.'

Ofsted June 2009

Pastoral Structure

The Pastoral Structure at Spalding High School is arranged into Main School (Y7-10) and Senior School (Y11-13). Students are organised horizontally into year group cohorts and vertically into one of our five school houses.  A Senior Pastoral Lead overseas Main School and Senior School with support from Heads of Year, Form Tutors, members of the support staff and the Senior Leadship Team (see box opposite).  Regular liaison takes place through formal meetings, and informal discussion, to fully support students in academic, pastoral and behavioural matters. Pastoral Care - Planner cover 2014_15

A student's first point of contact is the Form Tutor, as there is an opportunity for discussion during registration time twice a day.  Parents are encouraged to use the planner to pass on any minor concerns they may have to the Form Tutor.  However, parents are expected to speak to a member of the pastoral team by telephone, or arrange an appointment, to discuss progress or any concerns they may have of a more serious nature.  Year Heads and Pastoral Leads are also teaching staff and may not be able to meet a parent at very short notice.  Our Student Support Coordinators and Attendance Officer are trained and experienced members of the support staff who know the students well.  They are a good point of contact for a number of issues.

Click here for a list of Form Tutors.

For information about the importance of full attendance, please click here.

Each year group (Y7-11) is arranged in five forms, with a maximum of 30 pupils in each.  Pupils will remain in the same form throughout Years 7 - 11.  Only in exceptional circumstances, and at the discretion of the school, would a student be moved into a different form group.  Towards the end of Year 7 a Year Head assumes pastoral responsibility for the cohort from Mrs Schwarz.  That year head then moves up the school with the students forming long lasting relationships with them and their families.

The Sixth Form is currently organised into twelve Sixth Form tutor groups of both Year 12 and Year 13 students.