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What Is Literacy?

The word literacy is defined as the ability to read, write, speak and listen in a way that lets us communicate effectively and make sense of the world. Literacy is not just part of English. Reading, writing and oracy are promoted across our curriculum.

Tutor Time Reading

In Years 7-10, students have one literacy session in tutor time each week.

This is a tutor-led session where tutors model effective reading and lead discussions to develop students’ understanding of a range of texts.

STAR Reader

STAR Reading is a computer-based reading assessment program that uses computer-adaptive technology. Questions continually adjust to each child’s responses. If the response is correct, the difficulty level is increased. If they cannot answer a question, or answer incorrectly, the difficulty level is reduced.  Staff and students use AR ranges to identify books that are correctly pitched to offer challenge. Each book that has an AR level also has a quiz for students to take to check their understanding.

Three times per year, at the start of each long term, Key Stage 3 students complete an Accelerated Reader ‘STAR Test’. This information is shared amongst staff to allow for additional support in lessons.

Reading Lessons

In Years 7, 8 and 9, students have a timetabled lesson in the school library. Students are supported by the school librarians and their teacher to read widely in these lessons.

Each year, students complete a reading scheme:

Year 7 – Bronze (six books)

Year 8 – Silver (ten books)

Year 9 – Gold (ten books)

In these reading schemes, students develop their vocabulary by identifying five worlds that are new to them, finding their definitions, and then using these new words in complex sentences that are marked by their teacher for accuracy.



Students who are identified as requiring extra support with literacy are invited to attend literacy sessions in their Friday study period.

The computer-based software we are using is IDL Literacy, and it is proven to increase reading and spelling ages in both primary and secondary school learners. The literacy software incorporates all aspects of a balanced literacy programme and is structured, yet flexible enough to cater for individual differences. In addition to covering the reading process from phonological awareness to fluency, the software includes components that improve spelling, handwriting, vocabulary and comprehension skills.

Students can access IDL both in school and at home.

Guided Reading

Some students benefit from extra help in completing their reading scheme and understanding a range of books. In reading lessons, librarians lead small groups to develop their comprehension, vocabulary and knowledge of content and contexts in a supportive and effective way.

Book Clubs

At Spalding High School, we offer a range of book groups for our students. There is a book club for everyone, whether an avid reader with lots of ideas to share, a more casual reader looking to meet others with similar interests, or happy to listen to other students to find new recommendations. All are welcome at our friendly groups.

Year 7 and 8 Book Club

Every Tuesday Week 1 at 1:25pm

Every two weeks we meet to discuss recommendations based on different themes or letters of the alphabet. If you don’t have a recommendation, you are welcome to come along and listen to find some inspiration. Feel free to come alone or bring a friend along. Our first meeting of the year will be Tuesday 17th September at 1:25pm in the Library study.

Crime Book Clubs

For Years 9-11, we offer ‘Crime Clubs’ where we read a shared novel or short story each term. Students have many different opinions so whether you have found a new favourite or didn’t get past the first page, we want to know!

Year 9: Last Friday Week 2 of term.

Year 10 and 11: Last Thursday Week 1 of term.

Sixth Form Book Club

Every Friday Week 1 at 1:00pm  

In this group, we meet to recommend books based on a different letter of the alphabet. This can link to the author’s name, the title or any other tenuous connection is welcome.

Carnegie Medal Shadowing Book Club

Each summer term, Key Stage 3 students are invited to join a book club shadowing the Carnegie Medal for Writing. Over this term students read the eight shortlisted book and discuss one each week, avoiding spoilers of course!

At the end of the term, students vote for their favourite book. Students also participate in a balloon debate where the eight books are narrowed down until we are left with one winner.